Make complex measurements simple with Eyemio


The EyeMio application is the solution to take simple and accurate measurements, needed for dispensing, on the latest generation iPad tablet, developed specifically for you.

With this BBGR toolkit specifically designed to ensure optimum measurement accuracy (polycarbonate cover with a multi-LED lighting to stimulate corneal reflections) your iPad lets you naturally make the following measurements:

  • The half-distances for distance vision and near vision

  • Pupil distance

  • Pantoscopic angle

  • Face form angle

  • Reading distance

Precise, ergonomic and easy to use, EyeMio supports you every day as part of your business so you can provide the best possible customization to your customers.

With more and more competition on the high street, its is essential to offer patient a service which will make your practice stand out. With EyeMio you will be well equipped with a modern piece of technology, differentiating your practice from the next.

© BBGR UK 2015