BBGR's production facilities offer cutting-edge technology

Competitive and certified resources 

BBGR lenses are manufactured at many different sites across Europe. In France there are two specific sites:

  • Sezanne, which produces semi-finished organic lenses

  • Provins, which handles prescription lens manufacture, and is in particular specialised in digital surfacing

Both sites have been certified since 1999. By adhering to strictly defined working methods and carefully checking lens production at every stage of manufacture right through to customer delivery, ISO 9001:2008 certification is an additional asset giving BBGR an even keener competitive edge - further increasing customer satisfaction.

BBGR has high-capacity laboratories in Germany, Ireland, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic, Thailand, and Portugal. Each has developed expertise in a specialist field - for example, glazing, remote edging, or research and development.

BBGR has the capability to ensure that our clients get the same high quality service, wherever their location. 

In the UK, we have a glazing lab in Birmingham where the highly skilled team of glazers edge and assemble all work for our customers.

© BBGR UK 2015